Who Are We ?

Project Philippines is a team of approximately 15 workers, both Filipino and American, men and women. It is a 3-fold project designed to reach the lost and bring glory to God in the Republic of the Philippines, a nation of nearly 90 million people in the continent of Asia. The Philippines is an island nation of about 7,100 islands (only about a hundred inhabited).

The first phase of Project Philippines is Leyte Christian College.

LCC was born in the summer of 2007, in a meeting of our team at Tacloban City, Leyte. This great "gateway" city in the Philippines, sitting astride the great San Juanico Bridge which connects Leyte island with Samar island, is a vast, growing commercial city in the heart of the Philippines. It is the capital of the province of Leyte. You may remember Leyte from the events of the Second World War. Here, General Douglas MacArthur fulfilled his pledge ("I shall return") to the Filipinos on Oct. 20, 1944, with the Allied invasion of the Philippines culminating in the rout of the Japanese Army. Our work will be centered in this great city.

We have secured a nice property there on which we might build all phases of Project Philippines:

(1) Leyte Christian College, a preacher training school
(2) a pre-school, elementary school and high school
(3) a children's home for homeless or orphaned children.

We're looking for sponsors and supporters who might share our vision for the Lord's kingdom in the Philippines and lend a hand. We know it's a bold and ambitious plan. It will require lots of hard work. It also will require brothers & sisters in Christ standing behind it, in prayer but also in financial assistance. If that's you, contact us at eastepfamily@yahoo.com. Or write our sponsor congregation at this address:

Project Philippines
c/o Southwest Church of Christ
4515 Cornell
Amarillo, TX 79109

Thank you for your interest!

Friday, March 27, 2009

School Year Ends

Today was another very significant day for Project Philippines, for two reasons. First, LCC (Leyte Christian College) completed its historic first year of operation. Final exams were held this week, and today the last finals were given to our preaching students. The school year has now officially ended; a very successful first year, we believe. It appears that all of our students did well and I anticipate that they will all be returning for their second year of instruction in learning the Bible and how to become Gospel preachers. We are very proud of them all and happy with their work. Second, our little Small Beginnings Christian Preschool held its commencement exercises this morning. Almost forty little ones finished their school year as well, and the program was very special today with lots of proud moments and smiles for the parents too. I've posted some pictures here of today's events.
Brethren, none of this would have been possible without you and your help. These young men now studying to become preachers at LCC would be stuck in dead-end jobs for very low pay, or with no work at all. Many of the little ones studying at Small Beginnings would have no education at all. Many of them come from extremely poor circumstances. Instead, at both schools now, they are learning about the Savior’s Way. That is because of your good giving. There were many “Thank You’s” heard today from students and parents for what you are doing here, and I want to echo that sentiment as well: THANK YOU!
Other work continues here as well. The follow-up Bible studies at the town of Sante Fe (45 minute drive from here) are ongoing every Saturday. If you will remember, LCC teachers and students and brethren from the local congregation “invaded” Sante Fe on Feb. 28 for a massive door-knocking campaign. And for every Saturday since that time Bible studies have taken place there. Last Saturday, I presented Lesson #4 from the Jule Miller filmstrips (actually, I used the DVD) in a small house there in which thirteen prospects had gathered. In spite of dogs, cats and even chickens going in and out of the house we had some very productive studies there. No conversions to report yet but everyone feels these are great prospects. I fully expect some baptisms to occur there (and thus a New Testament church planted) within the next few weeks. Please pray for this important effort.We are also asking for your prayers for the continued growth of LCC as we think about our first building. Even now the architect is working on designs for us to consider. We continue to need partners in this project as well in the financial department too, so if you could help it would be much appreciated. Just think about the great and everlasting good which a strong Bible college can do in this place and indeed, in any nation. We need help to accomplish this goal, as well as others we have for Project Philippines (like a children’s home). We would love partner with you in this as well.
Thank you once again to all of our great supporters. It is our prayer that the Righteous Lord would forever bless you for all that you have done and will do to glorify His great and Holy Name.

1 comment:

Michelle B said...

I am so proud of you and the work you are doing there. What an awesome year. Those pictures are great!

Our Newest Graduates at Leyte Christian College

Our Newest Graduates at Leyte Christian College
Largest-ever graduating class at LCC - a total of 23 students finished their four years with us and received the Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology. We're proud of them all!

New Preachers, ready to go to work!

New Preachers, ready to go to work!
The guys - eleven of them in all who graduated - show off their hard earned diplomas after the commencement exercises.